Thursday, June 02, 2011


Today you woke before the sun, with the energy to conquer the world
Today you ate not one but two bowls of cheerios "I hungry" you said
Today you mowed lawn as your dad mowed, watching intently at what he did and mimicking it perfectly
Today you ate lunch while sitting on the floor, beside the table Why? I guess it tasted better that way

Today you opted out of a nap instead wanting to be outside in the warm sunshine of the day
"I not nap" you said "I go outside"
(two complete sentences your teacher would be so proud)
Today after battling you for an hour I conceded that outside is where you should be
Today you ran, climbed, explored, splashed, and breathed

Today you tested your body and brain...searching and figuring until you understood
Today you played in the sandbox moving sand from one spot to another, digging holes and building mountains all while squishing your toes in the sand
Today you ran around the house countless times discovering all the spots and nooks that is your home, your space
Today you ate strawberries and drank milk

Today you stood at the top of the tower, so tiny in that spot looking much like those early explorers may have looked, who climbed to the top of Mt Everest confident, strong, and proud
Today you splashed in the tub soaking away layer upon layer of dirt and sand until your toes were wrinkled and your nose was cold
Today you read books while curled up in the chair, turning the pages and pausing to look at the pictures and then telling your version of the story.
Tonight as I held you close and hugged you before laying you down for the night I whispered "I love you" and sleepily you whispered "too"
Today you made me laugh
Today you challenged me
Today you made me proud
Today you changed my world
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