Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I am excited to start this...

and what is this you wonder?
a card for each day of the year...
that stack only represents 1/2 a year
since my original plan to cut the card in half
didn't seem so great when I actually started creating this
so a trip to Target will be needed to purchase more index cards.
I know I can find any reason to go to Target.
okay back to the project..as you can see there is a date in one corner
and the year on the first line.
after that date one would write something you did, or a moment to remember, or if it's a rather dull day
the weather :) and then next year on the next line you would do it all over again.
I imagine for the first year they will be rather ho hum to read, but how cool when you have several years written to be
able to in a glance read back and remember what you did on this date 1 year ago or two or five
pretty neat I think.
can't wait to start this!
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