Tuesday, February 07, 2012

new scrapping storage

I noticed this drawer hutch at Hobby Lobby a few months ago, and instantly loved it. I could just picutre using it to store scrapbooking supplies...then I noticed the price and sighed and walked away. Somehow I couldn't love it that much for the price on the sticker (I am rather cheap like that) On Monday I stopped at Hobby Lobby to pick up some supplies for Anthony's derby car and of course walked by the furniture section just to drool one more time. This time it was on sale 30% off, ummmm I pondered purchasing it, but I was in a hurry so I didn't buy it. Last night I was telling kevin about it and that it was on sale and that maybe I should have bought it. He wondered why i hadn't bought it, I think perhaps he was tired of my endless discussion on whether or not to buy this. So this morning when Josh stopped and mentioned he was going to mankato Kevin decided to go with him. They stopped at Hobby Lobby to pick up the drawer set for me. Kevin called from the store and asked if I had noticed that it was cracked along the bottom, but he thought that my dad would be able to fix it and then mentioned that the store manager was willing to sell it for 1/2 price! sweet sweet music to my ears.
when they got it home I quickly checked out the damage and finally had to ask where is it damaged? They pointed out a corner where the wood was cracked but when we tipped it to check out the bottom all looked good. The entire piece is done in a distressed looked and actually the cracked corner fits right in. I'm happy since it doesn't affect the structure of the piece and bonus I got it for 1/2 price.
I spent the afternoon sorting and filling those drawers, love how organized it is, love how finally everything is now together by color. Oh the organzied brain of mine is singing right now. The final touch, tags for the drawers.
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