Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Science Fair

Athony brought home the instructions for his science fair project a few weeks ago. He was quite enthusiastic about it. I cringed wondering how it would go. He starts out excited but usually he loses steam quickly and this was not going to be a done in a hour type project. We did some searching online and found a idea that he felt would be fun to explore. This past weekend he researched and studied, and tested, and tested some more, and then did the testing again (little sisters helping does not make for a scientific controlled test area) We assembled his display board and sighed with relief when it was complete. I'm sure he was quite releived to just be done with his mom's constant reminders and such. Keeping him on task is indeed a challenge at times. His topic? Does the shape and size of an ice cube affect the time it takes to melt. He spent much of his weekend watching ice melt (it takes forever by the way) The project is at school awaiting the Science Fair to be held tomorrow.
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