Friday, March 15, 2013


last weekend I decided to re-organize my daycare material
with  little bits in one room, and a little more in another, and a lot more in the basement it just felt that I wasn't utilizing all those supplies very well.  Thus the brilliant idea to re-organize and put them together....what followed was chaos, days worth of chaos
( I don't do chaos well.)
now all those materials are in one place which makes my brain so very happy
(I suppose one could say it was worth the chaos...maybe)

new bookshelves and a massive re-ordering now has books that go together....well actually together
novel idea is it not?

bins hold more supplies, keeping everything together and tidy
oh yes my brain is singing over that...

and now the room is completed...
and no there wouldn't be any before pictures...I tend to decide to do something and in a blink it is pulled apart leaving little to no time to snap photos...
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