Thursday, February 23, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

Do you ever look at your calendar and just want to skip a day? Today would be one of those days...There is so much going on, I think I may meet myself coming and going a few times today.

Well Beckie is on her way to Mexico.. For spring break. yikes! Actually I am quite comfortable with the whole trip. She is going on this trip thru the college, it is a more service orientate trip and it will be an awesome experience for her since Spanish is her minor. But, the mom in me is just simply freaked by all the things I won't be able to protect her from. It is another country for crying out loud. So I will focus on the positive, she has a good head on her shoulders, even tho if that head weren't attached she would lose it on occasion :) It is chaperoned, (ok no feed back on that topic) well, I don't seem to be doing so well on the positive do I? It will be fine, she is going to have a great time. Now to stop that little green monster in me who is wishing "I" were the one going somewhere tropical and warm.

Tonight is Cassandra's last danceline performance. On one hand I am so glad this season is over but I know for Cassandra it is a bittersweet event...She has become friends with the girls on the team and it is especially hard when the Seniors leave. Next year she will be a senior....yikes!

1 more day till Friday, I think I can make it....
enjoy your day, share a smile with someone today.

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