Tuesday, February 07, 2006

life with a toddler

Lifewith a 21 month old is exhausting. Time must soften your memories. (is that just a nice way to say I'm becoming senile?) Because I don't remember it being so exhausting, Of course it has been 16+ years since we have had a toddler in the house, but I had forgotten how tired you are just trying to keep up with them. Yesterday I accomplished nothing more than just putting out all the little "fires" she began. Busy does not even begin to describe her, it is like she woke up one morning and her curiousity exploded. Now if i step back and look at this from a distance it is simply amazing to see how normal she is, that her actions, and energy, are very typical of a child her age, what a blessing it is to be able to use normal and her in the same sentence. Yesterday I wasn't appreaciating the normal at all. I was on high alert from the moment she awakened. She has perfected the "MINE" scream, several daycare kids are probably still in shock from the affects of that. Her new word for the day was "please" (yes I realize that most parents would be thrilled to have their child using proper words and displaying manners) let's clarify here, she knows what the word is for, but her choice in ways to use it left much to be desired. Please was uttered as she held the bag of M&M's 10 minutes after breakfast....or Please was said as she had a death grip on one unsuspecting little guy and was removing the toy from his hands. The look I received as I made her give the toy back was priceless, "What!!!?? I said please" "yes honey but you can't inflict torture to carry this out"
Later I found myself wondering why??? did I applaud when she pulled the chair over and crawled up to watch me do dishes a few weeks ago? what independence, what creativitiy, what a remarkably talented little girl....ok so yesterday when she used the same chair to crawl up and open the drawer we keep snacks in and then proceeded to consume a large quanity of chocolate I wasn't doing the happy dance. Good grief my initial reaction was that is "My" chocolate and sharing with you wasn't on my agenda today. (for the record I did not scream mine, :) but I sure wanted to)
I wish I could say she eventually slowed down, she didn't...in fact when she finally fell asleep I was afraid to move her for fear of awakening her. My prayer for the evening was "Please let her sleep all night, and Pleeeeeeeaaaaaase give me enough energy to keep up with her tomorrow. The amazing thing? I wouldn't change it for the world.

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