Thursday, February 09, 2006

why do you scrapbook?

I read in a magazine yesterday, an article on scrapbooking. The author felt that it was an evil hobby, designed to make women feel inferior and unworthy. She felt that scrapbooking doesn't show the real part of life, just the perfect moments. She wondered about the less than perfect moments and how you would scrap those. While I understood her veiw was with humor in mind I found myself wondering where she had been and what her exposure to scrapbooking had been. That if she felt only perfect moments could be preserved what kind of albums had she been viewing??? Personally my spin is I scrap it all, the good, the bad and the ugly. Ask my oldest who went thru a phase of not wanting her picture taken, I used what I got, usually her backside.Hey she is a part of our family and if that is what she presented, that is what I used. I have numerous pages in albums that could be described as blackmail pages. I completely believe in preserving the evidance for future use. I've even scrapped some of my more embarrassing moments...ask to se my Ebay page sometime. One of my first ventures in buying from Ebay and it wasn't pretty...I love Ebay it could be a topic for a future post. Of course there are pages in my albums of the big moments, but for the most part my albums are made up of the ordinary, everyday moments. I feel you seem to remember the big moments, but those day to day ones seem to get lost in the business of life. Those are the things I want to preserve. My life is truly not picture perfect, but that doesn't matter, that isn't the reason I scrap. So I will continue to scrap, the big moments and the not so big or perfect moments, after all, preserving our memories is why I scrapbook. Debbie

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