Wednesday, September 19, 2007

do you see that?

so the picture rather stinks (give me a break it was 5:37 am, yes am!) but there you go that is the picture I took last week. Yes it is on my TV screen, if you doubt it is on my TV screen just check out the wealth of fingerprints on the lower 1/3 of screen that should clue you in, little people leave their marks everywhere! (no I didn't think to clean the screen for my big photo debut on national cable TV) So do you see there in the upper right corner what cable channel that would be? ummmm yeah a picture "I" took appeared on CNN this morning how cool is that??? and just in case later when I am fully awake and wonder if I dreamed it I took the picture so I could say that yes that would be my name and photo. Of course the meteorologist did explain what weather phenomenon caused the clouds to line up like that but, I was a little bit wowed! by the fact that my picture, the one I took, was on the television screen, to completely catch that explanation. Good thing I DVR the show so I can go back and listen :) edited to add another picture, so apparently they are showing it repeatedly on the news and this time I was able to take a picture of the entire TV, and no I didn't wash the screen it's all in the angel of the pic.

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