Thursday, September 20, 2007


Rosie began preschool classes last week. She was super excited about going to "school" and then she got there and suddenly she was singing an entirely different tune. She has watched her big brother and sister head off to school and she certainly felt she was old enough to go. She had a backpack (so it is bigger than her and if it had anything more than air in it she wouldn't be able to carry it) so in her mind she was set. Kevin took her to ECFE the first night, it's a program that you spend the first 1/2 of the class with the child and then separate for the remaining 1/2 of class. She did awesome while Kevin was present once he left, well it wasn't quite so great. This week went a bit better, she only melted down for a few minutes. Sigh, who said she is allowed to grow up?
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