Sunday, July 13, 2008

county fair

We spent the afternoon at the county fair...wandering thru the barns, commercial and animal. Visiting with friends.
I am such a city person, the animal barns were perhaps not my favorite, the smell, the stuff on the ground...(picture me wrinkling my nose as I type this) my little people loved the small animals...not so much the cows... Yahaira loved hearing the rooster say cock a doodle do, and proceeded to echo it for the duration of our time in that barn. Naturally they rode on the rides, and one can't attend the fair without eating...they also participated in them medallions in the straw activity. They played bingo with their dad, and rode rides (did I mention they rode on the rides?) and ate some more. after 6 1/2 hours it was certainly time to head home.

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