Monday, July 07, 2008

Today she is 3

We celebrated her birthday with family and friends on Sunday.
Saturday night when we picked up her cake at Hyvee she was dancing thru the store singing "it's my birthday"
The Barbie cake generated a lot of interest at the party with a few fingers leaving their mark (adults included) as they tried to figure out just how this cake was created. When it came time to open gifts she decided a nap was more important ( I know the child who never naps go figure) as the pictures show once she recharged she was more than ready to open gifts.
How fast these three years have passed, it really seems like we just received the call and brought her home from the hospital. I am reminded just how fleeting time is when I look at her and no longer see any trace of the baby/toddler she just was. Almost daily I hear new words and sentences from her as her vocabulary explodes. She is fearless and embraces life as only a three year old can. I love watching her discover and explore and love that she still wants to crawl in my lap and snuggle. So today we celebrate her birthday and say thank you for the wonderful gift she is.

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