Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Last night we attended the RadZoo program at our local library. It was part of the Summer Reading program.
The kids were pretty excited and as you can see by the pictures pretty captivated by what was presented.
Despite my initial (actually total) reluctance about attending, (what we don't do for our kids and all that) I did find the
information shared quite fascinating, she had a wonderful way of connecting with the kids, loved that. The reptiles presented not so much...the turtles were cute.
when this guy made it's appearance I was doing deep breathing and staring at the floor.
Naturally when the kids were invited up after the program to see and touch the animals mine were gone in a flash.
Rosie was first in line, imagine that. Love the picture of Anthony and Rosie, see how is hand is protectively around her? Love his face, suppose he was thinking "man I'm going to have to touch it, can't let my baby sister show me up" or do you suppose he was thinking this snake moves and you're on your own. Not that she was worried, thinking the python should have been the one worried very few come away intact after dealing with Rosie. She has asked for a snake, twice since last evening...I'm being adult and ignoring her.

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