Saturday, May 30, 2009


what she was thinking as I snapped this photo.
so serious, so intense, so lost in that moment.
love how this one embraces each moment, not taking any for granted, she lives each day to the fullest.
I want to be more like that.
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Thursday to celebrate the last day of school we ate dinner outside.
We spread out a blanket kicked off our shoes and enjoyed the sunny warm evening (bug free)
while eating and catching up on the days activities.
love how spring and summer usher us outdoors, love how the ordinary becomes new and exciting simply because of the change of scenery. I honestly think they eat better when we eat outside, what an added bonus.
(I apparently need to pick up my camera a bit more often, I did take multiple photos and those two above were the only ones viewable. it would appear I have become rusty. time to fix that)
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Friday, May 29, 2009

been a bit busy

around our house.
With the holiday on Monday (honestly holiday's simply should not fall on Mondays my whole week is wonky)
and the last week of school which brings it's own unique blend of craziness
and of course there is that new member of our house which has everyone distracted (in a good way)
all adds up to me being a bad blogger (thanks Kelly for the reminder)
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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Drive in movie theater...

the scene last night...
as we arrived at the theater and set up our space, no we weren't the only ones there, that is just an illusion by nightfall there were cars everywhere. While we waited for the sun to set we munched on popcorn, and hot dogs and a bit of chocolate. The lower the sun dropped the more blankets those die hard, going to watch the movie outdoor fans added in their attempt to stay warm. No I was not one of those fans, I was comfortable sitting inside my van, yes I did have a blanket, due to my window being down so those die hard outdoor fans could hear the movie. The first move began after 9pm. Yahaira was asleep before the preview started, soon after Rosie joined her, before the half way point Gracie was asleep too. The first move was Night at the Museum, for a sequel it was very good. Of course I missed the later bit of it since I too drifted off to sleep for awhile, I did awake in time to watch the last 10 minutes or so. The second movie was Star Trek, another awesome movie. It started after 11:30 which means it didn't finish until 1:45. We arrived home at about 2:40. Sigh, that made for a very short night, since the little wonder who fell asleep before 9pm last night was up at 7:30 ready to embrace her day. That is perhaps the only draw back to watching a movie at a drive in movie theater it just get really late, taking in two movies, and waiting for that sun to set. But it is so much fun to be able entertain so many ages, where you don't need to worry about talking or laughing during the movie, to simply experience watching a movie on a huge screen and be able to glance up to the star filled sky at the same time. Love listening to my little ones sleeping, while the older ones laugh and munch popcorn. Love watching how exciting it is to the little girls to put their pj's on in the van before the movie starts, and hear their giggles through out the night that they are at a theater in their pj's. Love the memories and stories they are gathering as their big sister Beckie paints their nails while waiting for that sun to set. Love being able to chat with the people in the car next to you, while you wait. Love hearing the opening music as the movie begins and the squeals of excitement as the wait is finally over. So despite the fact that today my butt is dragging I will go again and again, just to spend that little bit of time with a group of people who make it fun and make me smile.
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Farmers market

Saturday morning was my first visit to the Farmers Market this year. We managed to arrive in between the rain showers and just had to deal with a few drips and drops. This year we made it before 9am, unheard of for my little crew and I. I enjoy watching how the products change as the months move along. Right now are just the early vegetables, a lot of plants and seedlings, a wealth of baked goods, Rosie was thrilled with the discovery of fresh baked donuts. It was great to see some favorite booths back again, the herb and spice guy was there with an amazing pot of chili simmering, the smell was wonderful. The bread lady, who last year I always seemed to arrive just as she sold out, had many wonderful loaves of bread to choose from, it was hard to decided which to try. The woman who sews fabulous aprons, bags, and dresses (the two yahaira and rosie have are still my favorite outfits for them) I am already looking forward to next week, can't wait to see what is waiting to be discovered.
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the lilacs are blooming!
and it smells wonderful in my little part of the world.
Lilacs are one of my favorite parts of spring. Love how the scent drifts in through the open windows.
We have been cutting a handful of stems and bringing that little bit of purple happiness indoors to enjoy all day long.
Loved watching Rosie smell them for the first time, no I didn't capture that photo I was laughing too hard at her reaction.

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Class of 2020

Each year the first grade class makes a t-shirt pledging to be smoke free.
Anthony came home the other day wearing his, so cool to see it and what a flash back to a day that seems like only yesterday and yet was more years than possible when Beckie, Josh and Cassandra also were 1st graders proudly bringing their smoke free t-shirt (for Josh) pillowcase (for the girls) (back then we had to send in the item to be printed with the picture, now they are furnished)
I love that he is the class of 2020 (reminds me of a TV show, ummmm) that is just too cool!
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Discovered this cookbook thru a friend (thanks Liz)Loved the idea of making your own mixes so I ordered the book and have had the best time pouring over each page and recipe. One day last week I made a few of the mixes, so simple to mix together, loved that! The very first recipe we made was for pumpkin bread using the quick bread mix. It was a hit with big and little alike.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Gracie

today she turned 8.
I remember the day she arrived, the exciting wait for that day to arrive.
She was the first baby born into our family in many many years.
How exciting it was to discover the joy and wonder that is a little girl.
How amazing it is to be able to share her life, she makes being an aunt pure fun!
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planting the garden

Last year we tilled up a piece of yard for a mini garden. We don't have a wealth of excess yard space so
small it had to be. It is the perfect size for the kids. Sunday we finally found the time to plant it. Nothing too
detailed a tomato, some peppers, lettuce and of course flowers. Yahaira was completely disgusted by the worms, deciding that planting and worms was just not a happy mix. Rosie embraced the worms, literally. She also explored the dirt, the planted plants, and once water was mixed into the equation life just got happier for her. Of course it did.
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Como Zoo

Tuesday Yahaira and Cassandra traveled to Como Zoo with several 4-5 year old and their parents.
It was a trip sponsored by our Community Ed. Yahaira has been excited about going, and even more excited that
her big sister was going with her. The left at 8:30, boarding a school bus. I received a text from Cassandra around 9
informing me that the bus ride was painful (guessing she was rethinking her offer ) Did I mention that Tuesday the temp topped out at 96, it did. Oh! and school buses do not have air conditioning :) I heard about that in a later text. Fun was had by both, despite traveling conditions, returning home late in the day were two rather crabby girls, one who was still pretty excited. All night long I listened to bits and pieces of Yahaira's day. Loved how she tells her stories, love the energy and excitement she blends into her experience.
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I simply

love that little wrinkled nose grin of hers.

and the serious (sorta) look

that mischievous grin

and the sparkle in her eyes.
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5 year pictures

Monday we visited Nichole's studio to take Yahaira's year 5 pictures.
It is so fun to watch Nichole as she captures amazing photo after photo of Yahaira, and to watch
Yahaira giggle and smile time and time again. There is a lot of trust between these two. Nichole took
pictures of Yahaira the first time when Yahaira was 6months old.
Love how she captures Yahaira at this moment in her life, now to figure out which ones to develop.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

1/2 marathon

Beckie ran in the Fargo Marathon on Saturday May 9th, 2009. It was her first 1/2 marathon.
While attending Concordia she had the opportunity to work each year at the marathon. Last year she decided she would run in it.
She stuck with that goal, even when it proved challenging. So exciting to hear her after the race, so proud of her for challenging herself and accomplishing her goals.
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Friday, May 15, 2009

mother's day gift

Yahaira is being Vanna and showing you the daycare mother's day gift we worked (sweated, stressed, cried) over. (me of course, not the little wonders.) I found this in a magazine (note to self, stop reading magazines) thought gee that is pretty cool (next note to self, thinking and cool should not be used in the same sentence) and forged straight ahead quickly realizing I had no clue what I was doing.
It required me befriending a paint brush, I don't paint. New languages were created, no I won't teach you. Next step required even more paint this time strategically placed on little hands thus creating the beautiful butterflies. No clothes were destroyed, just a few nerves were frazzled. Yes it did take more than one adult Beckie and Josh were recruited, they will never be the same. Finally (another note to self,) do not spray protective sealant in your basement, after daycare, unless of course you want to open every window in your house and drive around town with several small children for a long period of time.
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

So it appears one can now post to your blog by text message....i love technology

always a sign of spring

Bleeding hearts
The first time I seen a bleeding heart plant I was in high school, visiting a friends house.
Growing beside her front step was the most remarkable plant I have ever seen. The flowers on it completely charmed me.
I had never seen something so simple and beautiful. When she wondered out loud what I was staring at, and I pointed to the plant that held my attention and then asked "what is it?" Shirley replied with "It's a bleeding heart" as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world. I wondered at the sight she had every time she came or left her home, and found I was a bit jealous at the beautiful view she had. Flowers and landscaping wasn't a part of my home space. We did not plant flowers, only a garden. Once in awhile my dad would let us plant a flower or two in the garden, but the purpose of the garden was to grow food, not flowers. I didn't see beauty in the growing plants in the garden I simply saw work. The endless weeding and watering dimmed any beauty that may have been there. To the preteen I certainly didn't buy the whole line about "how happy my tummy would be come winter" I would have opted to be hungry rather than face one more row of weeds.
Years later when we moved into our first home. I carried through with a promise I had made to myself and planted a bleeding heart. It was the first thing planted at our new home. Every spring I find myself watching and waiting for those stems to appear and eventually the flowers to begin to bloom. Each year I experience that simple wonder and happiness just like the first time I saw the flowers at my friends house. It is one of my happiest spring memories.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my kids

make being a mom great!
a few pics from sunday.
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