Sunday, May 03, 2009

Today she is 5...

she woke with a smile
(she is the happiest morning person I know)
when asked how old she was
she replied 5 just now
(her way of saying today was her birthday)
we visited the local nursery/greenhouse this afternoon, where we discovered the owner shares her birthday
she was quite eager to tell him how old she was, he was perhaps not quite as enthusiastic to share his.
it was a beautiful day, warm and sunny.
we grilled hot dogs and burgers and enjoyed them outdoors
family and friends joined us
the wind helped her blow out those candles, she didn't mind a bit.
she is asleep as I type this, exhausted from a fun filled day.
and I find myself wondering how it is that she has already reached 5.
How quickly these past 4 1/2 years have full and complete my life has been
sharing it with her. I am blessed to be her mom.
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