Friday, May 15, 2009

mother's day gift

Yahaira is being Vanna and showing you the daycare mother's day gift we worked (sweated, stressed, cried) over. (me of course, not the little wonders.) I found this in a magazine (note to self, stop reading magazines) thought gee that is pretty cool (next note to self, thinking and cool should not be used in the same sentence) and forged straight ahead quickly realizing I had no clue what I was doing.
It required me befriending a paint brush, I don't paint. New languages were created, no I won't teach you. Next step required even more paint this time strategically placed on little hands thus creating the beautiful butterflies. No clothes were destroyed, just a few nerves were frazzled. Yes it did take more than one adult Beckie and Josh were recruited, they will never be the same. Finally (another note to self,) do not spray protective sealant in your basement, after daycare, unless of course you want to open every window in your house and drive around town with several small children for a long period of time.
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