Sunday, August 02, 2009

Day 16

North Platte, Nebraska
Bailey Yard
Golden Spike Tower
Largest rail yard in the world
almost all trains traveling east/west pass trough this yard
100-150 a day

Fort Cody trading post
Buffalo Bill Cody called North Platte home

as we drove along I80 we watched this storm system build.
(I love the show Stormchasers and honestly I often wondered what on earth they were doing in Nebraska, it didn't strike me as a hot weather location) Now I get it. It's so flat you can't help but see awesome weather systems build.
As we turned south at Grand Island, NE I snapped the photo of the developing tornado. When we reached Hastings, NE 20 minutes later a tornado had touched down in Grand Island. That night was the stormiest of our trip. Three different times we were in Sever thunderstorm warnings. Lot's of rain, wind, thunder, lightening and hail, but thankfully no tornado's.
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