Sunday, December 09, 2012


a recipe my mom used to make every christmas
I remember helping, not always so eargerly...starting out with the rolling part
(and always, always burning my fingers) moving onto to cooking the cookie on the iron
getting the technique down so that little spilled over (that was the most unfun mess to clean up)
I made them a few times when the older kids were young but had not made them with these little ones
saturday we gave it a try...sigh it didn't go so well.
we managed to make maybe 20 (the batch should make dozens)
a phone call to my aunt, where I may have whined a little trying to figure out
what I did wrong.  She suggested I come to her house and make them.
she also wondered if cooking them on the flat surface stove might be the problem.
above is my mom's recipe, in her hand writing.  (I treasure those pieces of writing I have as the gift they are)  very simple...very much how she approached life. simple
As we baked the cookies I told the kids about doing it when I was their age sharing with them
stories about a woman they never met...and despite our cookies not turning out it was a rather fun afternoon.
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