Sunday, December 09, 2012

Sunday School Christmas Program


reyna was most uncertain about being a lamb...

she had a day to practice her part (her mom forgot she had a part and thus didn't have her practice it)
she nailed it..

before hand she was teary, her teacher thought is was just nerves
when I asked if she was okay she said her tummy hurt and she didn't want to read
her lines...I asked her if she wanted to just try (thinking that perhaps it was just nerves)
she agreed, a few times during the performance I wondered if there wasn't more
she looked so miserable, and truly this child doesn't typically get shook over stuff like this
after, when she walked up to me I knew instantly this was more than a nervous about speaking thing
she was burning up, we made it home and she threw up and so one more in our house
has joined the sick club. 
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