Monday, May 02, 2016

Special Olympics region 9 event

May 1st, 2016
Held at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter.  Today we spent the day in St Peter attending the Special Olympics field event. Pedro participated in 3 events and Anthony and Yahaira volunteered at a unified relay event.  This was Pedro's first year participating and it was an amazing experience for him.  He jumped, and threw and ran  ("like the wind" he told me, after watching him I'd say the wind could barely keep up)  today for the first time he experienced what it felt like to be a part of a team.  He grinned all afternoon.  I watched time and time again as these athletes shook hands and encourage each other.  It was one of the most positive, uplifting experiences I've ever been privileged to see.

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