Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fool's Day...

I rarely partake in the joking that goes with this day. One might say I learned...many years ago, I casually dropped into a conversation with Kevin that I was pregnant, only to start laughing at his horrified expression, and then to utter the classic line "April fool's" All in good fun, right? several weeks later I discovered I was pregnant with baby number 3, in three years, ummm now who was the joke on? So needless to say I no longer joke on April 1st, quite certain that the stars, moon and whatever aligns to make sure you eat your words works in force for me on that day.
As for being the victim of April fool's jokes i usually don't get caught. Rarely in fact, there are those who have tried but I what can I say I just don't get caught too easily. So where is this going you might wonder well this morning I did get caught, and the best part? it wasn't by a person. are you curious now?
Well it is quite well known by those around me that my sleep is deprived, nonexistent actually, and if you are close to me then you also know the reason for that is the occupants of my house. I rarely get enough sleep, often waking tired, this is life. So this morning when the alarm went off a little before 7 I stumbled out of bed, heading to the shower, barely registering that I was tired. Just mentally checking off the list in my head of things that need to be done in order to get out the door on time for church. As I'm getting dressed Kevin asks me why the two alarm clocks in the bedroom say one time but the clock on the microwave and computer say a different. A note about the alarm clocks they are designed to set themselves, thus removing any and all worry of your clock not being at the correct time at all times, never do you need to worry if the power goes off or for daylight savings time, no need to set ahead or behind the clock does it for you, unless the government decides to change the time when daylight savings time occurs, thus messing up your clock. Yes today would have been daylight savings time on the old timeline, so my clock did exactly what it was suppose to do, set the time back an hour. So yeah I was up an hour earlier than I needed to be... good joke right? So this April 1st I fell victim to an April fool's joke courtesy of my high tech alarm clock. is always an adventure.

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