Monday, April 09, 2007

Egg hunt...

An annual tradition since Beckie was 8 months old. Naturally it started out simple a few eggs hidden for her to toddle too, and now it is a bit bigger, simply because there are a lot of kids in our house. My niece and nephew join in the fun and fun it is! As the kids got older we started to fill some of the eggs with money..which of course was a tremendous hit. Of course there is a bit of crabbiness when certain individuals don't find the bigger bills. This year Brandon found the largest bill. He naturally took much ribbing from Beckie, who felt it should have been hers if for no other reason than she simply is the oldest. Rosie found an egg with a 10 in it...she was dutifully unimpressed...and would have traded with Beckie for chocolate Rosie understood this year :) Loved watching them race around...loved seeing a little one pick an egg up right from under the nose of an older one. Loved that they had to go back and search, we keep track of the dollar amount put into the eggs, so when all eggs are opened if we are not matching the numbers they have to search's usually the older ones doing the searching by this point... The best hiding spot this year? My brother in law put eggs under all the glasses that were drying on the counter, one was visible because the glass was clear, but the other 6 glasses were not...only the clear glass was found...they were the last of the last eggs to be found...imagine 6 bodies crowded into a teeny tiny corner of my kitchen, and not a one could figure out where they were. Love when you can stump them.

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