Saturday, April 07, 2007

Coloring Eggs....

Yesterday we colored eggs.
9 color choices
7 dozen eggs
11 kids
insanity plain and simple!
Once again this year my fingers were a wonderful shade of greenish/brownish the result of fishing way too many eggs out of the dye containers. Someone had suggested to me that I wear gloves, brilliant idea. One I fully intended to use, only to discover when it came time I had no rubber gloves, not a one. So I braved ahead, sacrificing the true color of my fingers all for the sake of fun. It is a tradition after all and it would seem rather odd to not have colored fingertips. Since 5 of those little people coloring eggs were my own, I' m afraid we have oodles and oodles of eggs. We have distributed some to some thankful family and friends... and yet we still have far too many...eggs anyone?

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