Thursday, March 20, 2008

coloring eggs

after spending hours yesterday boiling eggs, (Each year I have to look up how to do this. We never eat hard boiled eggs at any other time of the year) I think I can now recite the directions in my sleep.
Discovered when I opened the box which contained the egg dye kit that there were only three colors in the box....sigh, do you suppose that is why it was only .99? Yes there are more than three colors, we mixed. Actually it turned out to be a great learning exercise, is this where I say I planned it that way? had to take a picture of the colored fingers...all a part of the process, I know. Notice my fingers are not in that picture that would be because I wore my fingers are perfectly normal colored. Someone reminded me to wear gloves, and to them I say thank you. So my fridge is full of colorful, hard boiled eggs. We will be making some deliveries tonight in a quest to get rid of some...we will never be able to eat them all.

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