Thursday, March 27, 2008

So long...

it is with much sadness I announce the end of an era.
Tonight I retired these shoes. My favorite pair of shoes. They have been in my possession for 10 years.
yes 10 years, a decade. They fit my feet like a second skin, they are comfortable, they know me.
They have become a hazard. sigh the left shoe has more holes than Swiss cheese, the right has almost worn a hole thru the bottom
How does one do that? and since at any give moment they could just simply self destruct I decided the time was now
(well actually I finally found a pair I liked enough to replace them with)
and here they are.
I trust they will do me well...
and in 10 years I will post a farewell to these shoes.
Until then, we have places to go and things to see.
Hope they keep up with me.

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