Thursday, March 27, 2008


I love Target's dollar spot, pictured above is my amazing find during tonight's shopping expedition.
yes that would be scrappy supplies....paper, stickers, pens, stamps, embellishments, oh my the assortment was unbelievable!
30 items in all....for the grand total of $30. Love that kind of math.
Next up on our shopping venture, the Easter clearance aisle.
75% off. The red,orange, and green boxes are eggs..bug shaped, animal shaped, and sport shaped each was the whopping price of $1.24
the other items were around a $1 or I love that!
and these....well apparently they fall under Easter and so they too were 75%off.
$1 for a shirt, $1.50 for a pair of pants. Sigh, I love Target.

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