Sunday, June 29, 2008

too much fun and rain

equals two tired little girls.
They fell asleep on the drive home. A 3 minute drive on a
normal day.

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Railroad Days

We were able to take in a few of the activities before the rain began, and then didn't stop.
The kids were thrilled when we boarded the trolley and they saw Gerry. Next we walked over to the Wild West Show
where it began to sprinkle, which soon turned to steady rain, and not too long after it was simply pouring. We headed home to wait out the rain, which didn't stop. Naturally the parade was cancelled. I can't recall the last time that has happened. So above you see a few pictures of our Railroad Day's fun. Raindrops included.

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Friday Linette and I took the kids to Mankato to see the newest Disney movie.
It was a cute movie, with many laughs. I will never tire of hearing my little people giggle and
laugh at the movies. I started attending the opening day of the Disney summer movie back when my older ones were little ones and continued doing so even when they no longer wanted to go to a G rated movie, Gracie or Jay were happy to go with me, and now it continues with my new little ones, and I suspect there will be a day when they too will think going to a G rated movie with their mom is about as thrilling as going to the dentist. No worries, I've discovered that my older kids have circled and now enjoy going to these G movies with their mom.

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Rosie's swimming lessons

Rosie is also taking swimming lessons. The twist is an adult has to go with her. So Beckie, Cassandra and Brandon have filled in this past week. She is quite unsure about her swim instructor,but Beckie mentioned that this person used to scare her when she was in swimming lessons. Rosie loves the whole water, swim adventure. She also loves to tell everyone "I go swim"

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Friday, June 27, 2008

this is what remains

from the plate of fish my dad brought over. Within a very short period of time it was reduced to this.
I am not a big wild game/fish eater. Ok actually I don't eat it at all. No desire to experience the wild side of food dining. I grew up in a family of hunters, it goes without saying I am a major disappointment. One thing I will eat is fish, but only if my dad has cooked it. His recipe isn't a guarded secret, although I'm certain I wouldn't be able to replicate it. He simply breads the fillets and cooks them in butter, way too much butter by the way. The end result is the most amazing dining delight since chocolate. Yes it is that good.

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this year

he is more confident, stronger and braver.
He can touch now and that seems to have made all the difference in the world.
Tuesday brought the dreaded walk to the deep end and the diving board. Jumping is something he hasn't yet done, just not ready to go there. Imagine his horror when Yahaira stood in line and jumped off the board that day. His face was priceless. A mix of you have got to be kidding me, to crap I am so going to have to do this. The next day he stood in line and watched (prayed perhaps that she would chicken out) as she walked to the end and jumped. His face once again showed his thoughts, trust me there weren't giddy excited thoughts by any stretch. So up he went, shoulders back, spine straight head forward, looking muck like a person heading to his imminent death. he walked to the end and kept walking, perhaps thinking if he stopped he wouldn't finish. Loved the grin as he swam to the edge, love that he faced that fear and discovered jumping was perhaps a fun thing after all.

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swimming lessons

Monday she started swimming lessons. Her first time.
She clung to the edge with every bit of her strength on Monday, I don't think she barely looked over her shoulder so daunting was that huge pool and all that water. On Tuesday she was holding on with one hand and watching as the other kids took their turn. Tuesday was also the day they headed to the deep end and the diving board. She got in line, crawled up onto the board walked to the edge and looked down....her face was priceless. I wondered if she would jump, I wasn't so sure I wanted to see her do so, she is awfully tiny. Jump she did, her grin when she surfaced was priceless. Today she did her bobs completely putting her head under the water. She amazes me.

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Aquatic park

Saturday we headed to Fairmont. Our plan was to visit their aquatic park.
I had not been to this particular water park, sad I know so close and yet I still had not found the time to make the trek.
It was sunny with and warm, not hot unfortunately, every now and again the wind would pick up and then it was a bit chilly.
The kids were wowed as soon as we walked in, all the fun colors and the huge pools they weren't sure where to start. I think the first little while was just spent looking in awe at all the water coming from so many different directions, there were even spots in the pool that bubbled. Anthony and Grace raced off to try out the slide in the kiddie wasn't long and they had moved onto the bigger slides.
Rosie preferred to stay along the edge getting her toes wet...eventually she sat and soon she was laying in the water but only at the water's edge...she never made it past her knees. I loved that there was something for everyone, the diving pool was a draw for the older kids and of course the kiddie pool was a hit with everyone.

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more water pics

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lily pads

one of the favorite features of the water park was the lily pad walk.
Over and over again Anthony and Grace would walk across and then race around to get in
line to do it again.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


tonight is Anthony's last night of soccer. This was a three week program offered by community ed. He went twice a week for a little under an hour. At first he and the rest of kids just seemed to be a jumble of arms and legs trying to move a ball around the field but each time they progressed a bit watching that development. Yes most of the pics are of his back...sigh I don't think he wanted me out on the field getting those close ups...I really need to get a new camera that allows better distance shots. :)

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