Friday, February 13, 2009

Excuse me?

I have this thing when one of my kids says something in a voice, or tone, or with attitude, that I don't like I will say
"Excuse me?"
which of course means:
Excuse did not just use that tone of voice with me.
....seriously you did not just demand that of me.
.....are you kidding me, I am so not going to give into your whiny crabby voice right now.
(so you can see why I use the simple "Excuse me" saves on me needing to speak a lot of words and naturally they don't have to pretend to listen to all those words.)
Last night the little wonder above was getting ready for bed, I apparently was exhibiting a bit of attitude, she asked if she could have chocolate for supper. my reply of "when pigs fly" apparently didn't sit well with her, since she turned, put her hand on her hip and said excuse me?
to which I repeated my response (which by the way is exactly what they do to me)
where next she said excuse me? paired with "the" look. You know the one that says any one of those responses listed above.

I kid you not...

I laughed, at that moment, in that place, I simply laughed as I looked at a mini replica of me and wondered if I have been that good of a teacher, or that bad of a parent.
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1 comment:

Heidi said...

Well at least if you are "that bad of a parent" (which you aren't) at least they catch the "cute" bad traits!!!