Thursday, March 26, 2009

Easter goodies...

this was part of the happy mail that arrived on my porch today...
first is this not just the cutest and brown are an amazing color
combination, love this mix of colors...

and here is a close up of what was inside one of those boxes..
is that not just the happiest colors you have seen, it is for me.
Serious winteritis here..I am so tired of brown, and grey landscape
it is time for some color...those are tiny cupcakes with a surprise center..
I have not sampled one, yet. The few who have, have had the biggest smile on
their faces tho..and why have I not sampled?

well these would be the reason...
I kid you not they are addicting, I will only admit to eating two (of course there is no way the math would add up)
yes that pic is a bit blurry, my stomach was distracting my focus.

and of course I needed to add another adorable subject to the photo..
she was also my partner in tasting... we both agreed these were pure
wondering where I found these amazing delights...
well here you go..
and you simply may not be crabby at me when you too order and indulge.
I did warn you.
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