Thursday, March 19, 2009


After wearing those giraffe boots endlessly for the past year, the other day when she put them on to head outside it became apparent that the time was here to retire them. If it weren't for the cracks and holes that decorated much of the surface of the boots her little toe peeking thru the bottom was perhaps the final straw. I have to admit I was a bit sad at the end of this era. I mean they were a permanent part of our life for months upon months, if you have forgotten you can look here, here, or here. Where ever she was the boots were certainly with her. So with a bit of sadness I packed them away, not quite ready to throw them away.
I realized that with all the mud and puddles that currently inhabit our bit of the world that to spare her shoes, or the need to replace shoes we would most likely need a new pair of mud boots I made a request of my sister who happened to be heading to Target to look for a new pair...above is what she found...and to the little boot wearing wonder they were totally perfect. They have not left her feet since they arrived at our door two days ago..wondering if cows will grow on me quite as quickly as those giraffe's did. But I do know this the kid can certainly rock mud boots.

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Heidi said...

I almost cried when you said these boots were being retired! Ok that is terrible. I should not get misty over boots...right?

Mom to 8 wonders said...

I did.
and for as much as I know that there is no logical reason to keep them, I simply could not toss them.
it isn't like some day her daughter would be able to wear them, they are simply unwearable.
and yet I couldn't part with them.
care to make sense out of that?