Wednesday, March 25, 2009

our past few days

have looked like this.
notice only one is dressed today, it would seem it is the norm that only one out of the three actually wears clothes this week rather than pj's.
Anthony has missed two days of school, yesterday included a trip to the doctor where his cough was diagnosed as viral and we were told to let it run it's course. It's course seems to include coughing all night, fever, sore throat, and now this morning a raspy voice, and still he smiles what a kid. At the moment Rosie isn't sick, although she will tell you she is when:
she doesn't want to get out of her pj's "I sick"
she wants more juice "I sick"
she doesn't want to go to school "I sick, berry sick"
the best...when I suggested she go to bed if she is so sick.
"I all better now" was her quick response.
yes she is 3, no I really don't want to think about what she will be like in 10 years...
yes that would be called denial...
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