Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 30, 2006

an extra hour.....

to sleep....ummmmm no!
to clean.....ughhhhh nope wouldn't waste an extra anything on that!
to do paperwork..... see above :)
so what did I do with the extra hour I received on Sunday...not a clue.

it would seem I had high hopes for that hour, every fall I am so excited at the idea I get an extra hour of sleep....the past few years I have yet to register that hour in sleep time.

once a year we have a 25 hour day...so much potential, so many options....and sadly I have yet to use it in a truly awesome manner.

the only thing I really noticed about the time change was that little people actually went to bed at 8pm with very little fuss (translate only fussed for 5 minutes) of course they were up at 6:30 with very little fuss also. it's all about the trade off. some occupants of the house seem a tad more crabby than normal for now we will write it off to the time change, no idea what excuse we will use by weeks end :)

and so another daylight savings time has passed and before I will get another 25 hour day I will have to first go thru a time loss (so sad, not even going to think about that sad sad event) hope you used your extra hour in a fun way....and if any of you actually got an extra hour of sleep I really don't want to hear about it.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


today I had to run a few errands so with Betty here holding down the fort (so to speak) I headed to the post office and library and McDonalds to get the kids lunch (insert Happy Happy kids here) so as I'm driving by Caseys I notice that gas is now 2.15 woa it's gone down. ....so naturally I pull in to fill up the tank...murphy's law when I don't the price will automatically go up the day I "have" to fill up as in empty tank so now I just fill it. So I'm walking into Caseys to pay and do you know how you get a feeling someone is watching you.... it was coming in loud and clear. I glance inside the store and notice the the kids' grandmother is waiting to check out, then I notice that the person who is walking into the store in front of me is the kids' mom...oh bother. So chin up and a smile on my face (it's always fun pretending to be brave especially when one can feel the dislike grandma feels for us miles away) I smile at mom and say hi, she shyly says hi and smiles back (and now I digress, sometimes I wonder if we weren't in this situation on opposite sides if you will, and really I wonder why sides ever had to be drawn....this could have been so much easier if there could have been some meeting part way so sad that grandma was so against us from the start. ... but I digress, I wonder if we could have been friends, the mom that is, she has always been kind to us, not that we have seen or interacted with her all that much. but still I wonder if it could have worked differently understandably most parents don't embrace us when their children are place in fostercare, but still you wonder if we hadn't met in these circumstances would we have liked each other. (Sometimes as I watch the kids I find myself wondering did you get that from your birth mom or dad, for all that did occur and for where this journey has brought us I will always hold a place in my heart that will be thankful to them for giving life to these 3 amazing wonders) but back to the present as I pass grandma I also say hi and smile....ok all I get is a glare, I'm sure she would have loved to smacked me (I guess I do bring that out in some people) but she chose to just glare (ok so I suppose on some level it actually makes sense the dislike after all we in simplistic terms have what she wants and if you are so inclined to have to draw lines and make things black and white I suppose I can see why she doesn't like us) ....naturally I end up in line behind them to check out...how weird that for all intents in purposes we share something very amazing and yet no words are spoken, just a tentative smile from mom, as if she is unsure how to address this meeting . I just find at times it sure isn't easy when faced with this dislike, terribly hard to not let it get personal. I reason with myself I've never done anything to grandma, I've always been kind, polite, generous...and yet she still dislikes me...weird how you can understand and yet still be hurt. As they left with no acknowledgement by grandma mom looks back smiles and says bye, echoed by me. and again I wonder.... what if?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Go Fish

Love this music group....We have been following their music for several years now. First they started out performing Christian music and now have moved into christian music for kids. Last year we attended a concert in Jackson, this was our first time seeing the concerts aimed at kids, great experience, Anthony and Grace loved it!

They have a new album out called Snow a compilation of Christmas songs...love it! Love their style....my mother in law commented that I was pushing the season....I had it playing today. with Go Fish their music is always in season.

It's been fun watching them grow in their music and performing. My friend Shirley introduced me to their music, (thanks shirley!) so many years ago...always excited to here that they are going to be performing nearby.

check out their website www.gofishguys.com you can hear some of their songs, read some info on the group. great site to explore.

and if you get the chance to see them in concert....you will not be disappointed.

I'm off to listen to some more Christmas music, gee might even put me in the mood for some snow :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fall pics...winter weather.......

I wanted to take the kids to Nichole's to take fall pictures. Of course wanting to do it, and actually getting it done are two extremely different things. Tried a few times thinking a time was clear in our schedule only to discover some unforgotten commitment...so finally last Saturday we squeeked in an hour to do these pics. Thank goodness Nichole is so patient with me...what an unbelievably kind person she is, not to mention uber talented when it comes to taking pictures. So we head to Mt.Lake Saturday afternoon, kids all dressed for "fall" pics.....of course the weather couldn't be counted as fall in any stretch of the imagination, the temps were hovering in the high 30's, it was threatening to rain/ perhaps snow, but I was determined. So we get to the first location and we whisk the kids out of the van, run to the spot, Nichole snaps pics and whoosh back they go to the van, which was left running. Of course I could have left them in their coats, but that would have ruined the "fall" affect we were going for. We repeated this once again at another location and called it a day. I believe that was the fastest photo shoot I have ever witnessed....and naturally Nichole captured some amazing shots. Ok it wasn't too bad, a bit chilly, hey in a few months these temps will seem tropical and we will be running out without our coats :) the kids thought it was great, they were laughing and simply having fun, (wondering what these adults were doing, but having fun all the same).

Monday, October 23, 2006

MEA weekend

Busy as always. Josh was home, great to have him home, the kids enjoyed seeing him and bugging him. Friday October 20th, was Brandon's birthday. 14 years ago he made me an aunt for the first time. Hard to beleive he is 14 already, where does the time go seems like such a repeat,but really.....where does the time go? What a great kid he is, love talking to him, love seeing this young person he is becoming. Saturday we celebrated his birthday...great fun! great kid! It's monday here, in every sense of the word....how sad that I am ready for the weekend already :) enjoy your monday....

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Happy Mail Day!

that would be Cassandra holding her acceptance letter to Bethany Lutheran College!!!! Oh yeah, it is truly a happy happy moment here. This is her first choice, (of course mom made her apply to other colleges, we are so difficult aren't we?) So very very excited she is, (insert relieved mom here, finally one of my children has chosen to relocate to a place that is a do-able drive....yes!) and with the arrival of this letter one more step is taken during this senior year filled with so many new and exciting decisions.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

so much for good intentions

I was going to try to post each day this month, ummmm well obviously that hasn't happened. Wondering where that organized, put together person went. Wondering if she is lost forever.

Still adjusting to life with an almost 4month old. Yahaira is completely captivated, and mothering towards him, Rose would just as soon take him out as keep him, and Anthony and Cassandra seem completely unaware he's here.

MEA is this week, kids are off from school today thru Friday, yikes! will I survive or will they? Not looking too good right now :) for either of us.

It's snowing here, real snow, like the ground is white kinda snow. If I would have the energy to get off my butt I could take a picture of it kinda snow. yuck, simply yuck!
The pic is of Rose in her happy place, being held by daddy...life is good when you are 1.

Monday, October 16, 2006

where did the weekend go?

no friday the 13th didn't wipe me off the face of the earth, but today almost did. monday's are such a bother sometimes. Today was definately one for the record book, crabby/whining kids, crabby/whining provider not a good mix in any form.

Saturday I went to Mankato shopping, I was actually looking forward to it, alone, no kids, simple, yeah right that lasted until I arrived in Mankato where apparently everyone in southern minnesota decided to go also. Have I mentioned I don't like crowds....ummmm yeah this was so not peaceful. I was so happy to return home to the houseful of little people.

Sunday I went to the Odin craft mill, found some x-mas gifts. Glad the crowds were small, don't think I could have handled another repeat of Saturday. Last night we went to the movie Open Season, loved watching Yahaira watch the movie, she laughed and laughed and ate a lot! of popcorn, Anthony was quoting lines to me afterwards so cool. Actually a pretty good movie, some great one liners.

I think we are adjusting to the new little one, still kinda scary holding him and moving him, so afraid we might hurt him unintentionally, but I guess they wouldn't have released him from the hospital if that were an issue. He seems to be adjusting to us also, although he still doesn't like noise, oh boy that has been fun!

well time for baths and hopefully bedtime, one can hope right?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

I am not suspicious, I hang out with the under two crowd daily. If they can think it they will do it, (trust me their brains are incredibly powerful). A black cat crossing my path...would be a walk in the park compared to what I face some days....walking under a ladder....try walking thru a room of toddlers who seem to think being attached to your leg is the best place to be. simply put I live daily with karma, fate or bad luck..... I just choose to view it as life with children :) as for friday the 13th...it is just the day that comes after the 12th and before the 14th. As for being a day filled with bad luck, well Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday all had what most sane people would term "bad" luck moments. This is my life, perhaps not commercial worthy, but pretty amazing just the same. Of course I don't mean to make light of luck/or fate....I just think that it balances itself out pretty amazingly....with no help from me. Life is good, even when it's challenging.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


it snowed yesterday, yes it was only flurries, the ground didn't even turn white, but still it's sad, so very very sad. Not ready for this season, I do not like the snow/cold. Glad I don't have to travel to/from work in the white stuff. If only it would snow but! the roads would stay clear and dry, then I think I could learn to like the white stuff....in a perfect world perhaps? At times the snow was coming down quite steadily, the daycare kids just freaked, loving the snow....I do love watching their excitement with each snowfall, (ok the cynic in me thinks, you of course don't have to shovel, drive in it, or simply deal with it, thus you can be excited) Kids do know the secret don't they, enjoy the simple things, we adults seem to like to complicate it. Here's hoping the rest of the snow waits until some time next March, one can dream. Enjoy your day.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


love this time of year, the colors, the cooler nights, the leaves. No I don't love the raking the leaves part, but usually this isn't a concern for us, since our trees are still so small that we don't have a lot of leaves to rake, the few we do have, seem to blow away...simple! I love walking thru the leaves, listening to the crunching sound. Snapped these pics this past weekend of Rose, Cassandra, Grace and Brandon. Rose wasn't too impressed and seemed to wonder why? she was sitting on the ground when I could have been holding her. Suppose to snow here today, Linette called earlier to say it was snowing, I couldn't see it, (perhaps I should have opened my eyes?) total mental block, I don't want it to snow, I don't want it to snow! Last night I attended Yoga...oh my that was interesting....first had not clue what I was doing, second, I discovered this ol' body is way out of shape, there were positions I couldn't even come close to doing... Linette says I will get better, ummmmm wondering if I will survive. Here's hoping you don't have to shovel any white stuff today in your part of the world.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kids Volleyball fun night

Our local community education sponsors fun nights throughout the year at the High School sport events. Last night was the annual Volleyball fun night for preschool-elementary age kids. Anthony and Kevin went last year, had a blast! He even won the door prize which was a volleyball, how cool is that? So this year I signed Yahaira up too, thinking she would get a kick out of the activities. They got to eat with the varsity team, made a sign, learned some cheers, and they got to watch the varsity team play....so exciting. Kevin said he thought perhaps Yahaira enjoyed the popcorn the most, that's my girl! They did a drawing for another volleyball last night......guess who won? Yahaira did, ok what are the odds? so completely unbelievable. She was so excited, carried it around all night long. Even slept with it...too cute. Today it hasn't left her sight.... so do you suppose if I register Rose next year?........nah couldn't happen. Enjoy your day....they are talking snow tomorrow, silly weathermen it is entirely too early for that.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Fire Safety Week

Our local fire department visits us each year to do a presentation on fire safety. This year as an added bonus we were able to go on a fire truck ride...too cool! The kids were so excited. Each year there is one or two who is frightened when they see the fireman in full gear, which is a great reason to have them come into our home...this way they can see what they look like and thus get used to it....better to startle them now in a safe way, rather than have them run if they ever god forbid needed to rescued by a firefighter in their home. later we will do a fire drill...gotta love when the smoke alarms go off.... although they may be used to it, since i seem to set them off when I cook :)

Sunday, October 08, 2006


team "Nick"

Today was the first annual BuddyWalk in south western Minnesota. There was a good sized crowd, and a lot of activities planned for the afternoon. Rose, Cassandra and I joined Linette, Gracie, Brandon, Linda, Jay, and Katie, plus several of Linette's daycare parents. It was great to see so many come together for this great event. Pretty cool to be a part of the "first" time this was held in St. James.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Yesterday was homecoming.... first the parade, Linette and I walked our daycare kids up to watch the parade. It was a little too windy, (thought perhaps a few of the little ones might blow down the street:) It is so fun to watch small ones enjoying a parade....they get so excited. Next up the game of course, (not a big football fan here) the weather was mild, I have sat thru worse. Loved seeing the band perform, and watching danceline....we didn't last much beyond 1/2 time, simply because, Rose and Yahaira were well beyond tired. No st james didn't win, not a surprise there...but all in all a fun night.

Friday, October 06, 2006

and one more

set of pics from our visit to the pumpkin patch. One of the attractions at this pumpkin patch is a section called storybook land. It is so cool, they have this towering shoe, and humpty dumpty sitting on a wall. Jack and the beanstalk, a castle, and pumpkin shaped house. As we wandered thru the displays, I kept saying "this would be so cool" "the daycare kids would love playing in this" "we should do this" (translated into Kevin you figure out how to accomplish this) needless to say he looked a bit concerned bordering on all out frightened. (do you suppose he knows me so well to realize where my mind might be wandering?) He did firmly say we don't have room and no! we aren't going to attempt to make it fit....ummmm well we will see. enjoy the pics, the kids certainly enjoyed the experience.
have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

NO Pets!!!!!

At first she was a bit uncertain as to what exactly this was, but it didn't take long for Rose to overcome any hesitation. soon she was reaching into the pen trying to touch the goats, honestly I think if we had put her inside the pen she would have been thrilled. no fear, not even a little.

Anthony just loved putting quarters into the food dispenser and collecting the pellets, giving them to the goats was another story, eventually he warmed up, but the "fun" for him was definitely getting the food.

Yahaira wanted no part of this, slowly she came closer, eventually she fed a goat or two. Rose simple loved this part of the pumpkin patch, so fascinated, so excited, so entertained. How fun to experience new things thru the eyes of a 1 year old.
Kevin commented maybe we should get her a pet. "such as?" I asked. "well probably not a goat" he said You think!!!!, dear God the man has become such a softie with these kids. I vetoed the pet thinking quite quickly..."they have a dog" I pointed out "I know" he said "but maybe we should consider getting them another pet" Uh NO! not happening, I'm sure their emotional/social/and whatever development won't be too sorely lacking if we don't go down the path of another pet for them. "hey we can always bring them back to the pumpkin patch, or the pet store, or the Zoo has a wealth of animals" I pointed out. He looked skeptical. "It wouldn't be the same as having it in the house" he said That would be the point, this way we visit, and leave, the key word is "leave" therefore no work, no responsibility, no stress, simple actually. He still looked like he was wavering, "I don't know" he said "maybe we should think about it" I resorted to firmly saying No! No pets! repeat after me......no pets!!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Little Mermaid

We are the proud owners of the newly released "Little Mermaid" on DVD. Insert happy dance here.Naturally I ventured to Pamida yesterday to purchase a copy, actually two, when Linette found out I was going she asked me to pick her up a copy. I have been so excited about the re-release of this movie. I simply love! it. (one could ponder that the release of a cartoon is the highlight of my week, you are a brave person if you care to analyze that) Yahaira first discovered the little mermaid thru a book, it was the one book she always ask to have read over and over. I found another "mermaid" book on cd which she also loves listening to. It was so fun last night watching the movie with her, she didn't move, and her only comments were "mom, mermaid, see?" she was so completely caught up in the magic of the movie.. Cassandra was watching with us, and Yahaira would mimic Cassandra. If Cassandra layed on her tummy so did Yahiaira, if Cassandra laughed so did Yahaira....for as much as these two fight, Yahaira truly does look up to her big sister...so cool to see. I'm so excited that I get to share this movie with yet another little person in my life, when it was first released my girls were at the perfect age for this story, it was so amazing to experience with them and now here we are years later and I get another opportunity...how cool is that? One of the highlights of our Disney trip,several years ago, was getting to see the girls meet the Little Mermaid. By the time we ventured to Disney World they were a bit beyond the first awe of the movie, but they were still excited to visit a piece of their childhood...it was truly a magical experience. Thinking another trip to Florida needs to be planned, just so the new little people in our life can experience the magic for themselves.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Homecoming week

Last night was coronation. Danceline participated by doing the rose archway, somewhat sad to realize that this is the last time (for a long time) that I will have a member of the danceline participate. Senior year is so full of happy/sad moments. this year they wore new/old outfits, these outfits have been around for years (thus the old) but due to the large numbers on the team they were unable to wear them since there was never enough. This year the team numbers are smaller so they were able to wear them. I think I will always like their original high kick uniform...but these did look quite nice. Another beautiful day in the forcast.Today is the day that The Little Mermaid is realeased on DVD!!! I am so excited, can't wait to watch it. yes I have been counting the days, I love! this movie. Honestly I have always been so happy that disney turns out such entertaining movies, after all when you have little ones you are going to have to see these movies at some point or another, I always appreaciated that most of the time a disney movie would actually be fun and not tedious.

Enjoy the sunshine in your part of the world.

Monday, October 02, 2006

pumpkin patch

Saturday we visited Poppe's Pumpkin Patch near Lakefield, MN. A beautiful sunny, warm day. This was Rose's first visit to a pumpkin patch, she was duly impressed. She loved the goats

(will post pics another day of this adventure) Yahaira and Anthony had been to this pumpkin patch before, they had a blast. There is a playground, a storybook play area, a graveyard, a corn maze, (the dead rat was just a little too authentic) kevin sneeking up on us in the corn maze was unecessary also, scared the stuffing right out of me. They have llamas and goats, and of course a hayride out to the pumpkin patch. The pumpkins were just beginning to turn so the field of orange was a bit green in spots, but the kids had fun searching for the perfect pumpkin. Made me want to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" on our way home we stopped in Bergen for dinner, excellent food as always. You will notice the lack of pictures of Cassandra and Yahaira, they weren't in a picture taking mood on Saturday...."Don't want too" was Yahaira's reply each time I tried to take a pic...it's uncanny how similiar those two are. Shaking my head as I type that.

today it's suppose to be in the high 70's, don't you just love fall in minnesota?


Sunday, October 01, 2006

these are insanely good....

Cassandra and I were watching a food network show a week or so ago. They were featuring food specialty stores in Maine. One caught our eye, so I visited the the Food Network website and found the site for Wicked Whoopies. Naturally once I visited the website and saw that they deliver throughout the country, how could I not order? Well they arrived the other day and they are simply amazing...indescribable. We ordered an assortment and I have yet to find one that isn't delicious. Want to get some for yourself? go here: www.wickedwhoopies.com
and how was your weekend?