Monday, October 16, 2006

where did the weekend go?

no friday the 13th didn't wipe me off the face of the earth, but today almost did. monday's are such a bother sometimes. Today was definately one for the record book, crabby/whining kids, crabby/whining provider not a good mix in any form.

Saturday I went to Mankato shopping, I was actually looking forward to it, alone, no kids, simple, yeah right that lasted until I arrived in Mankato where apparently everyone in southern minnesota decided to go also. Have I mentioned I don't like crowds....ummmm yeah this was so not peaceful. I was so happy to return home to the houseful of little people.

Sunday I went to the Odin craft mill, found some x-mas gifts. Glad the crowds were small, don't think I could have handled another repeat of Saturday. Last night we went to the movie Open Season, loved watching Yahaira watch the movie, she laughed and laughed and ate a lot! of popcorn, Anthony was quoting lines to me afterwards so cool. Actually a pretty good movie, some great one liners.

I think we are adjusting to the new little one, still kinda scary holding him and moving him, so afraid we might hurt him unintentionally, but I guess they wouldn't have released him from the hospital if that were an issue. He seems to be adjusting to us also, although he still doesn't like noise, oh boy that has been fun!

well time for baths and hopefully bedtime, one can hope right?

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