Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

I am not suspicious, I hang out with the under two crowd daily. If they can think it they will do it, (trust me their brains are incredibly powerful). A black cat crossing my path...would be a walk in the park compared to what I face some days....walking under a ladder....try walking thru a room of toddlers who seem to think being attached to your leg is the best place to be. simply put I live daily with karma, fate or bad luck..... I just choose to view it as life with children :) as for friday the is just the day that comes after the 12th and before the 14th. As for being a day filled with bad luck, well Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday all had what most sane people would term "bad" luck moments. This is my life, perhaps not commercial worthy, but pretty amazing just the same. Of course I don't mean to make light of luck/or fate....I just think that it balances itself out pretty amazingly....with no help from me. Life is good, even when it's challenging.

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