Thursday, October 12, 2006


it snowed yesterday, yes it was only flurries, the ground didn't even turn white, but still it's sad, so very very sad. Not ready for this season, I do not like the snow/cold. Glad I don't have to travel to/from work in the white stuff. If only it would snow but! the roads would stay clear and dry, then I think I could learn to like the white a perfect world perhaps? At times the snow was coming down quite steadily, the daycare kids just freaked, loving the snow....I do love watching their excitement with each snowfall, (ok the cynic in me thinks, you of course don't have to shovel, drive in it, or simply deal with it, thus you can be excited) Kids do know the secret don't they, enjoy the simple things, we adults seem to like to complicate it. Here's hoping the rest of the snow waits until some time next March, one can dream. Enjoy your day.

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