We are the proud owners of the newly released "Little Mermaid" on DVD. Insert happy dance here.Naturally I ventured to Pamida yesterday to purchase a copy, actually two, when Linette found out I was going she asked me to pick her up a copy. I have been so excited about the re-release of this movie. I simply love! it. (one could ponder that the release of a cartoon is the highlight of my week, you are a brave person if you care to analyze that) Yahaira first discovered the little mermaid thru a book, it was the one book she always ask to have read over and over. I found another "mermaid" book on cd which she also loves listening to. It was so fun last night watching the movie with her, she didn't move, and her only comments were "mom, mermaid, see?" she was so completely caught up in the magic of the movie.. Cassandra was watching with us, and Yahaira would mimic Cassandra. If Cassandra layed on her tummy so did Yahiaira, if Cassandra laughed so did Yahaira....for as much as these two fight, Yahaira truly does look up to her big sister...so cool to see. I'm so excited that I get to share this movie with yet another little person in my life, when it was first released my girls were at the perfect age for this story, it was so amazing to experience with them and now here we are years later and I get another opportunity...how cool is that? One of the highlights of our Disney trip,several years ago, was getting to see the girls meet the Little Mermaid. By the time we ventured to Disney World they were a bit beyond the first awe of the movie, but they were still excited to visit a piece of their childhood...it was truly a magical experience. Thinking another trip to Florida needs to be planned, just so the new little people in our life can experience the magic for themselves.
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