Sunday, March 04, 2007

building a fort...

or in mom terms providing a distraction to small children who have been cooped up inside the house way too long. The daycare room has been transformed into a fort of gigantic proportions.
Snow days are great, unless they happen to be consecutive. By Saturday we were all suffering from cabin fever...the snow no longer looked beautiful and white, it felt more smothering and confining. It was too cold to let the kids go out, tempting but not smart. After spending most of the morning and afternoon, playing referee, and #1 entertainment director...I had reached my limit. Drastic measures were required, so out came the blankets, and thus ensued the construction of a fort. The kids were skeptical, I'm certain if they could have put it into words they would have wondered if I had completely lost it. Quite quickly they caught on and participated very enthusiastically in the building of their fort. Once complete I didn't see them again...all I heard was giggles and play. so cool, so calm, so utterly wonderful!

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