Thursday, March 15, 2007

Girl Scout Cookies....

It's that time of year again, girl scout cookie time!
Ours arrived on Sunday, and yes there are still some left. Actually this year I have had very little desire to consume boxes of them in one weird I know. I remember the years Beckie and Cassandra were girl scouts. The first year of selling cookies, Beckie was the top seller in our town. That wouldn't be the competitive edge her mother seems to possess now would it? 423 boxes to be exact. Amazing on paper, a nightmare in reality. When they arrived the reality began...there were boxes everywhere in my living room. We were surrounded by cookies, we lived, breathed, ate cookies for weeks. I quite simply once it was over would have not minded if I never saw another girl scout cookie for as long as i lived. If the volume didn't do us in, delivering them did. People not home, not wanting to pay, and so on and so on met us at every turn. Nightmare I tell you. So the next year I offered to pay the little darling to not sell, she of course sold, I wonder if she inherited a bit of that competitive edge from someone. Again the top seller. This year we were a bit more tuned, and wasn't quite as painful. By year three we were getting good at this whole selling thing...which opened the door for Cassandra's turn to be a bit of a fun activity, heavy emphasis on "bit". With Cassandra we discarded the door to door thing, sold primarily to family and friends, and simply purchased several cases of popular cookies, which we quite promptly sold as soon as we began to deliver cookies. Inevitably people would see the cookies and realize they had not ordered any or they would consume all theirs and simply want more. It was brilliant, if I do say so myself. I was of course relieved when my girls' run with girl scouts came to an end. Naturally it just led to more fund raising on a totally different scale, something I learned one will never avoid as long as you have a child living at home.

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