Thursday, March 29, 2007

why one should clean an oven before the smell over takes you.

When I made french fries for lunch yesterday I noticed an odor, no I didn't torch the fries, but apparently it was time to clean the oven. So after lunch I decided it would be a good time to do this icky job. Ok , so all I had to do was push a button, but seriously cleaning the oven does not rank anywhere as fun for me. So I am sitting at my computer while the wee ones are napping and glance towards my kitchen only to discover it's no longer visible due to all the smoke now occupying the space, within moments all smoke detectors are now emitting their alarms, nice! it was naptime. So I start opening windows thinking, gee that oven was pretty dirty. By now the smoke is hovering just above my head and the smell is intense. I head back into the kitchen to check out the oven which still has smoke rolling out of it and notice the flames inside the oven. Well that can't be good. Did you know you can't open the door when the oven is cleaning, nor can you shut it off, double nice! Just then a daycare mom comes in who calmly tells me she sees flames often when she cleans her oven. Good so a call to the fire department isn't necessary, what a relief, not sure I want to explain that one. Still not too confident that the whole darn thing isn't going to simply blow up i watch it, with several containers of water ready... you know just in case. Did find myself wondering if the oven didn't blow if the fumes coming out of it weren't quite likely toxic and that would kill us. Sigh, always an adventure. Which brings me to the conclusion that one just simply shouldn't clean your oven...this would be why take out was invented. The smell in my house has diminished a bit, but parent's coming in today have been asking what I burned. Take out I tell you.
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