Thursday, March 01, 2007


Do you have a word you use often, a word you may be unaware of how frequently you use it?
I do, that word is perhaps. I did not realize how often that word crept into my conversations until someone pointed it out, it made me laugh because now they are using the word in their conversations. what can I say I'm a bad influence :) No idea why I started using that word, it wasn't a conscience effort. Perhaps it's due to being a mom and discovering that saying "perhaps" to a request I wasn't quite ready to say yes to, didn't generate nearly the meltdowns that no would have created. So where am I going with this? Perhaps you are wondering, or perhaps you simply think I'm nuts. Well this morning while browsing some new scrapbook products I discovered that one of my favorite companies Basic Grey has a new line of paper, just released and it's called......."Perhaps" now how cool is that? Love the colors, not so sure about the designs, but thinking I definitely need to have some of this paper, who knows perhaps it will inspire me.
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