The phone call that I have been anticipating for days, weeks, months, years (yes years.)
came a little before 5 in the afternoon.
with the simple uttering of "We have a court date..."
my world paused, as I calmly wrote down the information, and calmly thanked the caller, and calmly told Kevin the same
sentence just told to me.
"We have a court date!"
Of all the
scenarios i imagined as I waited, calm never quite fit into the picture.
But, yesterday calm it was, for those first seconds, and multiple minutes, as the news traveled
thru our house and out to others who too were waiting for that phone call.
(I'd venture to say it was shock, that calm
demeanor, and perhaps simply the tiny worry buried in the recess of my head of what next?)
soon that calmness slipped, to be replaced by excitement as those words became more and more real.
(perhaps it simply took the repeated utterance of those words for the meaning to simply become real to us.)
In less than a months time, those three little wonders who have filled our lives with unimaginable joy, daily reminders of what is important,
unmeasurable love, will truly be
No longer just in our hearts, but officially, legally, finally!
and that is something to get excited about!

soon that creative mix of big and little people will officially be a family in the eyes of the state.
Of course they've been a family in our hearts for days, weeks, months, yes even years.
Today as my moments are filled with smiles, and excitement, and a most unexpected lightness, I find also there is a simple thank you prayer being said to the one who knew long before we even thought of the word adoption just what journey our lives would take. God knew, and faithfully walked with us on this path. My life is blessed in the most amazing of ways.