Thursday, January 08, 2009

mom wisdom...

an oxymoron?

to some the reply would be a resounding yes.

to other's (teenage children come to mind) it would simply be impossible to accept that those two words could be used together in a sentence.

and why you might be wondering have I titled a blog post with such a thing....
do I think I am a wise mom? (of course I am, said quite tongue in cheek)
or is because I am going to share some mom wisdom with you? (well not with you exactly my kids to be more exact)

It's not like they really listen, to any of the various bits and pieces of "stuff" I tell them on a daily basis. Which brought me to a dilemma, ok so not really a lose sleep over, all encompassing type of dilemma, but I like how dilemma sounds so that's my word of choice.

How to make sure my kids have those bits and pieces of advice/wisdom when they need them.

I could write them down...and perhaps eventually put them together in a book. To give them as a gift one Christmas. I could, but I'm fairly certain I would start out with complete intent to do this and then life would just get in the way. So not really a solid idea.

I could of course continue to share them with my kids, sometimes daily and just go with the theory that it is sinking in...yeah, you can stop laughing it sounded ridiculous as I typed it.

so what to do...?
well I'm glad you asked, which leads me to the purpose of this post...and that purpose is? Why to share with you (and my kids) my latest venture.

A new blog.

It's the perfect solution. I can post my bits and pieces of wisdom when the thought occurs and there it will be waiting for the time when my little wonders, all 6 of them need it. Will they read it daily, saying thanks over and over again for a mother who cared so much to take the time from her busy, busy life to make sure they would always have the reminder to "wear their seat belt?" or any other numerous mom thought I felt it was important they know. If you answer yes I will simply say you can't possible know my children :) I'm guessing for the time being they will be pretty much uninterested in this little blog, or about as interested as they are in the actual sharing of those thoughts I do in a verbal way. But, perhaps someday down the road it will matter... and for that time here it will be hanging out in this little blog simply titled "Things I want you to know about life..."

and in case you are interested in what little bits and pieces are included here is the link:
(there is another link on the right side titled "to my kids"

and if you're curious how I decided to start a new blog here is the first blog post, which actually explains it quite well:


oh! and if you have any mom advice you would like to share, let me know I will be happy to include it in a future post.

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