Wednesday, January 14, 2009


wondering where this picture was taken?
the Arctic? the north pole? the frozen tundra?
and who you might wonder took it?

well here is another...
any idea?

perhaps this one will help?

well obviously it's my blog so it would be safe to say I took the picture.
With that said you can pretty much rule out any of those locations, since we all know there is no way I would travel anywhere where the temp isn't above 50.
So where?
why all of those pics are of my backyard...beautiful is it not?
(for those of you who have seen my backyard you know that beautiful is simply not a word that would come to mind)
(sigh, just gotta love photo editing software)
and just in case you are thinking wow!, she ventured out in the sub-zero temps to take those beautiful pictures just for our enjoyment, let me burst that misconception right now. I stood in my family room and snapped them with my telephoto lens while the heat vent blew toasty warm air on my toes...
just keeping it real.

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